Back pain is very common; in fact, lower back pain is one of the top three reasons a person seeks medical attention in the United States. This prevalent issue can be debilitating to your everyday activities, affecting your work, personal life, and even your mood.
That’s why at AICA Tucker, we treat your back pain very seriously and work to find the root of the problem to help relieve it quickly. This discomfort can present in multiple fashions, whether it is localized in the spine and back muscles, presents in the back and legs or only felt in your legs.
The reason that this pain can be so varied is that the nerves in your lower back start at the spinal cord, impacting the area directly around them, but end at the feet, potentially causing pain throughout the lower half of the body. These nerves can become agitated due to a vertebral segment pressing on the nerves in the back or due to the pressure that builds between the bones of spine, spinal discs, and nerves.
No matter how this pain is caused, our Tucker Car Accident Chiropractors want to help relieve it quickly and effectively to help you get back to your life. Whether you are suffering from back pain from an unknown source or have suffered an injury, we can help.
Our customized care plans are designed by our medical specialists, starting with an X-ray and a full exam by our Tucker Chiropractors, and include treatment options that are tailored to your needs. This can vary from chiropractic and physical therapy to spinal decompression and cold laser therapy.
However, if our traditional care options are not showing improvements, we will order an MRI and consult with our in-house interventional spine specialists for further methods, include epidurals, facet blocks and nerve ablation. In rare and more severe cases that do not respond to interventional spine treatments, we will ensure you get the surgical spinal decompression or surgical stabilization procedures you need.
At AICA Tucker, however, our goal is to keep you out of the hands of a surgeon; fortunately, 99 percent of patients are able to avoid surgery with these interventional spine treatments. However, if you do require surgery, we are there to help. We work with the finest neurosurgeons in the metro Atlanta area and ensure that your surgeon knows every detail of your case, to ensure you receive exactly the care you need.
Our specialists are available to speak to your 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so we can start your treatment right away. Call today to schedule your appointment at (404) 592-1186.