There are few things more frustrating than an auto accident. In addition to arranging for repairs to your damaged vehicle, it’s important to ensure that your own injuries are cared for as well.
At AICA Tucker, we specialize in caring for accident injuries. Read on to discover how we can put you on the road to recovery after a car accident, or click on one of the areas below.
Major collisions can cause painful soft tissue damage, fractured vertebrae, or spinal cord trauma. But even minor fender benders can produce enough whiplash to sprain your neck and misalign your spine.
AICA Tucker’s first-class imaging equipment gives you the most accurate diagnosis possible, while our team of chiropractors collaborates orate with orthopedists and physical therapists to provide you with treatment options for all your accident-related injuries.
We also treat semi-truck accidents and motorcycle accidents. Come in today and let us serve your injuries.
The pain from losing your footing and hitting the ground often lingers long after the embarrassment fades. Everyday places like stores, restaurants, parks, and even streets can have ground-level hazards with the potential to cause serious bodily trauma.
If you’ve suffered a slip and fall accident, it’s important to get checked out by a doctor right away. Some symptoms are noticeable almost immediately, like the neck pain from whiplash. Other injuries may take longer to appear and could become more serious if not treated soon after the fall. To give yourself the best chance for a full recovery, be sure to visit with one of our specialists at AICA Tucker.
Even with the best workplace safety measures and practices, occupational accidents still occur. If you’ve sustained an injury while engaged in work-related activities, you may be eligible to receive workman’s compensation. Among other things, workman’s comp can help you recoup the cost of your medical treatment.
Whether you’re suffering from back sprain due to overexertion, carpal tunnel syndrome related to repetitive motions, or broken bones because of a fall, AICA Tucker can create a custom treatment plan to set you on the path to healing and help you return to work faster.
Contact our Tucker Car Accident Injuries today at (404) 855-2141 to find out more about how we can provide the accident injury care you need to make a speedy recovery.