What Are the Symptoms of Whiplash

Whiplash | Jun 9, 2021

What Are the Symptoms of Whiplash?

The stress of a car accident can keep you from recognizing just how much damage your body may have sustained during the wreck. When you’ve been in a car accident, it can get your adrenaline pumping which may actually distract you from feeling pain and discomfort right away. Because of…


Accident Recovery | Jun 2, 2021

5 Most Commonly Broken Bones in Car Accidents

You might be surprised to find out just how common broken bones are when it comes to car accidents. If you have been in a car accident and are experiencing a lot of pain afterward, it is possible that you suffered a broken bone in the wreck. When you are…

What Can a Pinched Nerve Lead to If Not Treated

Pinched Nerve | May 25, 2021

What Can a Pinched Nerve Lead to If Not Treated?

Our entire body is made up of a complex network of nerves, tasked with carrying messages from the brain to the body and back again. These nerves control everything from our breathing and movements to touch, taste, and pain receptors. When these nerves are intercepted, the signals in our body…

What Does Whiplash Feel Like

Whiplash | May 18, 2021

What Does Whiplash Feel Like?

If you’ve been in a rear-end car accident, you might think it was a small enough accident that you couldn’t possibly be injured. However, a general rule of thumb for car accident injuries is that if your car suffered any damage from the accident then your body likely did too.…

Different Types of MRIs and What They Look For

Imaging | May 11, 2021

Different Types of MRIs and What They Look For

When you have an injury or issue that affects your internal structures then your doctor may want you to get an MRI scan. Whether you have recently been injured or have lingering pain from an old injury, an MRI scan can provide your doctor with a much clearer visual of…

3 Effective Treatment Options for Tennis Elbow

Elbow Injuries | May 4, 2021

3 Effective Treatment Options for Tennis Elbow

You don’t have to be a professional tennis player to develop a condition called tennis elbow. In fact, most people who are diagnosed with tennis elbow have never even played tennis! Tennis elbow is the more common name for what is called lateral epicondylitis, a painful injury that affects the…

Why Might My Doctor Recommend an MRI

Imaging | Apr 27, 2021

Why Might My Doctor Recommend an MRI?

If you’ve recently broken a bone or suffered an injury in a car accident, your doctor may recommend an MRI scan to assess the damage to your internal structures. An MRI scan is a diagnostic imaging technology that your doctor may use to get clear, detailed images of how an…

5 Most Common Airbag Injuries

Accident Recovery | Apr 20, 2021

5 Most Common Airbag Injuries

Your vehicle comes equipped with lifesaving tools like seatbelts and airbags, and while these things are extremely important, there is still damage they can cause during a crash. Airbags are designed to cushion your body against the impact of a collision, but because they have to deploy so quickly, they…

Kids Need Chiropractic Care After Car Accidents Too

Accident Recovery | Apr 13, 2021

Kids Need Chiropractic Care After Car Accidents Too

As parents, we all want our kids to be safe at all times. We may read labels carefully to avoid harmful substances, research every purchase we make, or obsessively monitor their activity. This is especially true when it comes to traveling- car seats, strollers, booster seats, and cars are all…

Most Common Injuries in Young Athletes

Injuries | Apr 6, 2021

Most Common Injuries in Young Athletes

Children and adolescents are constantly growing and changing, which means common sports injuries can affect their bodies differently than in adults. When you search for a “chiropractor near me” to help support your young athlete, it’s important to find a chiropractor who has knowledge and expertise in how bodies grow…

Do Pinched Nerves Go Away on Their Own

Spine Care | Mar 22, 2021

Do Pinched Nerves Go Away on Their Own?

If you’ve ever sat in one position for too long and your foot has “fallen asleep” then you know a little bit about what a pinched nerve feels like. This is the mildest version of a pinched nerve, where a nerve is compressed and you start to experience tingling and…

Working from Home and Experiencing Back Pain

Back Pain | Mar 15, 2021

Working from Home and Experiencing Back Pain? Chiropractic Can Help!

With more people than ever working from home, chiropractors are seeing more complaints of back pain from clients. As work habits change and we use home offices or couches to do our work, our bodies are adjusting in just the same way our minds are. For those suffering from back…

Does a Headache After a Car Accident Mean That I Have Whiplash

Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Mar 8, 2021

Does a Headache After a Car Accident Mean That I Have Whiplash?

Headaches are pretty common after a car accident because of how the stress of the accident affects you physically and mentally. But how do you know if your headache is something more, like a sign of whiplash? Sometimes symptoms of car accident injuries can take a few hours or even…

Physiotherapy vs. Physical Therapy

Accident Recovery | Mar 1, 2021

Physiotherapy vs. Physical Therapy

The terms physiotherapy and physical therapy may seem different but they actually refer to the same healthcare profession! Physical therapists provide physiotherapy or physical therapy to help improve recovery, mobility, and quality of life after illness, injury, or disease. While there are some regional differences where each term may be…

What Kind of Doctor Treats Sciatica

Sciatica | Feb 11, 2021

What Kind of Doctor Treats Sciatica?

If you’ve ever had lower back pain that affected the lower half of your body then you might know the feeling of sciatica. Sciatica is actually a term used to describe a specific type of pain when your sciatic nerve is pinched, compressed, or otherwise injured. Your sciatic nerve is…

What to Do About Stomach Pain and Diarrhea After an Accident

Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Feb 4, 2021

What to Do About Stomach Pain and Diarrhea After an Accident?

After a car accident, you are probably on the lookout for a number of common injuries like broken bones, whiplash, or concussions. These can all be serious conditions that warrant attention, but focusing too heavily on them may cause you to miss other unexpected reactions your body has to trauma.…

5 Fun Facts About Chiropractic Care

Accident Prevention, General Chiropractic | Jan 30, 2021

5 Fun Facts About Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is more popular than ever, with almost a million people undergoing a spinal adjustment each day. While you may see it called a fad or a trend, chiropractic care dates back to 1895 when Daniel David Palmer performed the first adjustment. That adjustment restored the hearing of a…

Is It Normal to Have a Headache After a Car Accident

Accident Recovery | Jan 29, 2021

Is It Normal to Have a Headache After a Car Accident?

Do you have a headache that just won’t seem to go away? Or a headache that seems to be getting worse as the days go by? If you’ve been in a car accident recently and are experiencing headaches like these then you may want to see a car accident doctor…

What Doctor to See after a Car Accident

Accident Recovery | Dec 22, 2020

What Doctor to See after a Car Accident

When it comes to car accident injuries, it’s important to get the treatment that will help you to fully recover. Car accident injuries can be tricky and symptoms can last for days and even weeks after the event. You want to find a doctor who you will feel comfortable with…

Is a Chiropractor Considered a Doctor

Accident Prevention | Dec 15, 2020

Is a Chiropractor Considered a Doctor?

Injuries to your neck and back can be scary and stressful because of how much they affect the rest of your body. When you’ve been in a car accident and are experiencing serious pain and discomfort, you want to make sure you are getting treatment for whiplash from a doctor…

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