Chiropractic Tips for a Good Night’s Rest

Nov 1, 2016

Getting a good night’s sleep should be number one on your to-do list.

Sleep is vital to good health and helps you make good decisions, perform well at work, drive safely and even feel happy.

Chiropractic Care for A Better Night’s Rest

The Chiropractors at AICA Tucker understand and appreciate the benefit of getting 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep. We’re more energetic, we’re in a better mood, and let’s face it; we’re usually more fun to be around when we’re rested and restored!

Knowing all of this and achieving it can be a challenge sometimes, and Sleep can be an elusive wellness goal. Many people accept poor sleep quality and quantity as a way of life.

This can lead to a decline in health, with many individuals never realizing that lack of quality rest is the cause.

Sleep is required to live. We need sleep to heal, reset and restore mental acuity, and it is also when our bodies focus on cell generation. Without it, we diminish our immune response and increase the threat of developing a chronic disease.

Fortunately, there are plenty of things that you can do to improve your sleep.

Avoid sleep aids

Medications that are marketed to encourage sleep are shown to decrease deep sleep. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is when we sleep our deepest, and it is vital to preserving health.

Decrease stress

The worst culprit in limiting sleep, stress is so embedded into our daily lives that many of us simply do not notice it anymore. Decreasing it can be as simple as taking a few minutes of “me time” every day. This could be watching 30 minutes of TV, playing a quick game of angry birds, or working out to your favorite music.

Limit caffeine intake

Caffeine is a stimulant, which is why so many of us love it. Unfortunately, many people do not realize they are addicted until they try to stop drinking it and experience symptoms like headaches and mood swings. If caffeine is consumed, it should be limited to before noon to allow the adequate body time to metabolize it.

Consumption afternoon could lead to difficulty falling asleep in the evening.

Pay attention to what you’re eating around bed time

Protein is required to make new cells and is pivotal in the rest and digest process, so consuming protein a few hours before bed is critical.

Avoid carbohydrates as they’re used for energy, and we don’t want to be amped up before bedtime, especially those 2 hours before bed.

Get adjusted!

Subluxation of the spine prevents the nervous system and brain from communicating properly, and pressure on the spinal cord and brain stem prevents people from achieving deep sleep.


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